Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Summer School still

We are still doing summer school, although we are going at a slow pace. Sara Beth is 1 1/2 lessons from being done in reading. She is working through a math workbook that is end of 1st grade so she is prepared for her new math curriculum which is more advanced than her 1st grade math program.

Ashley is working hard finishing up math and S.S. Her marine biology is going, but she started that midyear and I don't expect it done immediately. She finally finished a book she needed to read and get moving in her American History.

Both girls are excited about their news books for next year. But, they are also looking forward to some time off. We plan to take off Sept, and whatever they will have left in August once they are done.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Summer School

We got a little behind these past 2 months, so we will be working into the summer. Ashley still has quite a bit of work in Marine Biology, algebra and American History. Sara Beth only has 5 lessons left in reading, but much more in math.

We are debating on changing her math for next year. Saxon moves to slow for her, so we are debating on switching to Horizons math. So, we will work on Horizons 1, book 2 for the next 2 months and then in the fall go into Horizons 2.

Ashley wants to stay with Saxon math for Algebra 2. She will continue with Apologia in Chemistry next year. Both girls may go to LLATL for next year. Still not 100% sure yet! Too much to think about!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Dogfish Shark dissection

Ashley got to do her biggest dissection yet! A dogfish shark...and oh did it stink! The whole house stunk for a few hours! She enjoyed identifying all the parts of the shark and taking it apart piece by piece. I can tell she really learned a lot from her reading as she got excited about each organ she found and the food she found in the stomache! Yes...really gross!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Clam Dissection...cont.

Ashley finally got to do the dissection of the clam. Unfortunately, the clam was a little old and once when finally pried it open, we found it a little dried out. She was still able to identify most of the parts. I told her we can go to the grocery store and get a fresh one...although I think it is kind of gross. Here are some pics from her dissection.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Disecting a clam

Today my daughter, Ashley, told me I am no fun. Why you ask? Because she is going to disect a clam and I told her I plan on leaving the room for that one. Now, clams are not that gross, it is just the smell of dead organisms,,,ugghhh. My house stunk for days after the frog disection! I have to remind her that it is her who plans to be a scientist, not me! I will have to get her to take some pics and I will post another time!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Time Does Fly

WoW! I forgot I even had this blog. We were really busy trying to get everything done in one day! It is over a year later and we are still homeschooling. Maybe a little more relaxed. Ashley is in 9th grade now and is doing well. She doesn't always get started early and sometimes doesn't finish till the evening, but she is busy doing other things during the day. She takes care of dogs for a neighbor and is saving hard for her own laptop. This year she is study American History and Lit, Algebra, Marine Biology, Latin roots for Science, Vocabulary, Grammar, Spanish 1 and bible. We haven't found a homeschool group that fits our needs this year, but I will be working harder to find one next month.

Sara Beth is doing 1st grade this year. She loved to read and do math. Sometimes on the weekend she wakes up and wants to know what schoolwork she has today. She can read just about anything. She is still doing Sing, spell, read write and loves it! Saxon for math, apologia for Astronomy, although we are taking science really slow! Ancient history is going slow as well.

March 2 we are heading to Colonial Williamsburg and Jamestown for homeschool days. Ashley is studying this time period and Sara Beth will be learning same basic American History in Feb. We are looking forward to a great week there!