Thursday, October 4, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy

We seem to stay busy these days. All week we have been running around and trying to get all our school work in. Yesterday, Ashley wasn't done until 11:30 and then we had to run out for our park day with our homeschool group. We all need this weekly activity as it gives me tme to talk to other homeschoolers and the kids time to play with their friends. We stayed a good 4 hours again and Sara Beth needed a bath when we got home as she was covered in dirt. That shows she had a great time!

We are preparing for a science day for our group on Friday. We will be doing Physics Quest with the children. They are really looking forward to it. My "center" will be making and testing a pendulum. Other centers will be testing magnets, light and exploring bubbles. Each group needs to solve the problem to find Einstein on a map. It is really neat. This is from 2005. Each year they come out with a new Physics Quest and you can request one for free. We are waiting for the 2007 one to be shipped.

Today we will have a calm morning followed by a busy afternoon...what a shock! Sara Beth has gymnastics at 12:30. Then, since we are over by her eye doctor, we are turning in her older pair of glasses to have the lens replaced. After that we will hopefully get the car washed. It is still covered with dead love bugs from our trip to Disney 3 weeks ago and I am tired of looking at them. I would wash them off the car, but we are in a drought and there is no washing down of anything right now. So, off to pay a gafortune on a car wash. It will probably rain as I pull out out of the carwash, but at least we will get rain. As long as those love bugs are gone!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Apologia for high school?

The big question right now has to do with Ashley's new science course. We have decided to do Apologia biology. This is a high school level course and I believe if Ashley does well in it she should receive high school credit. The question is, can I do this? If I homeschool her through high school and write her transcripts, then I should be able to teach her high school courses when she is ready, not when the general population is ready to learn it, right? That is why we teach our children what they want to learn when they are ready.

Well, what if we do send her to public high school. Will they accept the credit? Or will they make her take the course over again? She is also going to start Algebra sometime during this school year. Again, a high school course that many students take in 8th grade and get hs credit for. So, she should get credit for it when she finishes it, whether it by 7th, 8th or 9th grade.

I am not trying to push her to finish high school too early, but she is gifted and wants to learn things that are beyond her assigned grade level. Actually, as I have been forging through this homeschool journey, I have began to feel that there is not realy grade levels for my children. Ashley is doing typical 8th grade math, reading high school reading material, completing 7/8th grade social studies and now doing 9th grade science. I should just label her a homeschooler and not a 7th grader.

So, I guess I will go ahead and start biology and pray she does well and keep really good records so we can try to get hs credit for it. I believe I need to go to a seminar on writing high school transcripts so I know what I am doing!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Our First Entry

Today we are starting late. It is already 8:30 and all of us are still in our pj's. Our week has started out slow.

Yesterday we went to a Symphony 101 class to learn about the symphony Peter and the Wolf. If was very interesting and Sara Beth, who is only 4, loved the piece and enjoyed trying to identify the characters by the mucisal instruments. Ashley, who is 12, felt as if she already had learned all of this and was entertained anyway.

We went to the park for a picnic and then stopped at the homeschool store for a new science curriculm. I broke the old one. ...woops, might have been intentional. We decided on Apologia Biology. Although this is really an 8/9th grade science, Ashley feels she can do it and wants to so we will see how that goes!

After shopping we stopped home and we had to run out to one of our homeschooling groups activities. We received our new handbook and a t-shirt and returned home.

On the way back into our neighborhood, Sara Beth wanted to know why we lived in Rocky River Crossing and there was no river. So, after dinner the whole family took a long walk to the trail by the river to show Sara Beth there is a river! Unfortunately, we are going through a really bad drought so the streams and creeks were dried up and the river was really low. We had fun and learned how much water we really need to conserve.

Well, it is off to learning and starting our day!